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WEBINAR: Deciphering NASH: Revealing the Unrevealed in Stain-free Biopsies

Date: 26 Oct 2022

Dear friends,

We are very pleased to share with you that Deciphering NASH: Revealing the Unrevealed in Stain-free Biopsies, held on 7 October 2021, is now available for public viewing on HistoIndex’s YouTube channel.

In this interactive webinar, Key Opinion Leaders in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) shared clinical data on the utility of stain-free AI digital pathology (AI-DP) to enhance histopathological outcomes and its potential impact in NASH drug development.

Known to many of us as the gold standard in the diagnosis and assessment of NASH, the liver biopsy is imperfect and has its limitations. Subjective inter- and intra-observer interpretations and staining variations are some of the issues that have been widely discussed in multiple presentations and publications.

As biopsy-based endpoints are critical in determining key disease characteristics and therapeutic efficacy, more data is evolving from the evaluation of suitable and innovative approaches to overcome these limitations.

We trust that the collective takeaways from these presentations will encourage attendees in harnessing the capabilities of stain-free AI-DP to enhance histopathological outcomes.

Presentation Topics

– Uncovering Novel Insights of Treatment-induced Fibrosis Regression in NASH with Stain-free AI Digital Pathology, by Prof. Nikolai Naoumov

– Overcoming Staining-related Variations in a Liver Biopsy with Stain-free AI Digital Pathology, by Dr. Tim Kendall